Monday, May 11, 2009

A Mum's Rewards

One thing in life that feels so good is being able to look at your children and feel a small measure of success. Not that I think I'm a great Mom, that's not quite what I mean. It's just that I see who my kids are becoming and it gives such satisfaction to know that I didn't screw up so badly that they are ruined... just damaged a bit, like anybody else in this world!

I was able to have dinner with 3 of 4 of my children today... Mother's Day. It was fun and made me feel happy. On our way home, Jon played an Oldie's station on the radio. The music brought me back to younger years. The combination of the music and the company of my wonderful children brought me great joy! What more could a mom want for Mother's Day?

Then, I got to talk with Nathan on the phone. He's been in Australia on his mission for almost two years now. He sounds happy and wonderfully Australian with that accent! He'll be coming home in July and talks excitedly about his plans for the future. He's humble when I ask him if he feels he's matured on his mission. He says, "I don't know, I guess that's for you to decide." I think I already know my answer!

So, although I feel ever so old when I see my grown up children, the satisfaction I feel is worth the aching bones and the grey hairs. I'm so blessed to have children with good, kind hearts. And, in spite of all their faults, they love their mother and that... is the greatest reward!

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